A blue-eyed architecht willing to build me a five sided library underneath a lake of Malibu Rum that is attached to five reasonably sized houses.
The summer, so far two weeks in...seems far better than I thought it was going to turn out. My summer classes aren't horrible if you can get over the grizzly bear-scarf-YMCA interpretive dance stuff that we do. Listening to Elvis in class is a pretty decent way to spend the summer if you ask me. Then, best of all, my cousin is coming into town this weekend. I can't wait!! She is three years younger than me but as I told Ally earlier this week, she skipped the awkward early teen years and went from 12 to 17 in like a year. She is pretty awesome :)
But let me continue with the reason that I am blogging today, besides the fact that I have an another twenty minutes before my last class. It has to do with the idea of "pregnant pauses". My American Popular Music professor brings new meaning to these pauses. I don't think that they can even be properly classified as "pregnant" they are more like nine-months-ready-to pop-huge pauses. The guy will seriously pause, no exaggeration, for five seconds between sentences. If he is moving onto a different topic he will pause for nearly twenty seconds. What is even more uncomfortable about the situation is that he also enjoys making eye contact with one of the four students in the classroom. I am constantly either staring at his ridiculously long dreds or the power outlet to avoid this weird confrontation. Whenever I give a comment or point on something I am constantly backtracking because he will just nod and stare at you until finally you have retracted almost your complete statement and he will say something like, "good!" "ah, yes" You almost have to say something exactly like what he has formed in his mind for him to only take a three second pause before saying, "exactly!" and then rush to the bored and lethargicly write what you said down.
Moral of the story: Although pausing is good and everyone shouldn't talk like me when I am excited...ten second pauses between words is TOO much.
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