Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Not So Public, Public Apology

So this past weekend was interesting to say the least. Let me give you a play by play followed by my heartfelt apology.

I went to my friends dorm to get ready. It was successful. In my totally unbiased opinion we looked amazing. Towards the end of our primping session we went to her friends dorm and pre-gamed. We then went to my friend's date's dorm and pre-gamed it up some more. After leaving his dorm I was a successfully happy drunk. We finally got to our section's dance and another friend ushered me downstairs to partake in more "fun". After a while we went back upstairs and I met my date for the night, yup, thats right, I got set up, it can only lead to fun... The rest of the night is kind of blurry...I remember going back downstairs, using the restroom, having someone land on my leg, and then the most unpleasant feeling of toungue in my mouth courtesy of my date.

This is where my apology comes into play:

I am so sorry for everyone that witnessed me on friday night. I never ever wanted to get that way and personally girls that make out with their dates while dancing disgust me to the upmost extent. I can't stand it when I go out and see that let alone me doing it. I really want to just tell them to get a room. I know that this is a terrible excuse but I couldn't control what was going on. Contrary to what you may have seen I really didn't want it to go on. What I remember of the night I tried to stop whatever it was he was doing. I would also like you to know that I am the most awkward person when it comes to dates. I pretty much dislike dancing a ton. I can't dance and I NEVER dance with guys. I always find it extremly awkward. Anyways I am SO sorry for what I did and I NEVER EVER plan on letting that happen ever again.


Meredith Joanna said...

oh ruch... drunk mcdrunky ruch. though i feel badly about your disappointing interaction with a boy's tongue, i must say i would love to see you dancing while drunk. the sober version is enough to get me hooked.

Meredith Joanna said...

also, i didn't know you started blogging! you never told me. however, i am now all caught up on your posts and overall I just want to say that i am crazy about you and i can't wait to actually HEAR you speaking, though i kinda read in your voice in my head. ahhhh i love you.

Rach said...

Thanks for the new nickname. I think that the drunk me dancing can actually dance in rhythm which could be good to see...but that is about all I remember.