Sunday, April 18, 2010


I have one thought, really, how can people be so two-faced. I feel that for the most part I am honest to everyone. If I don't like you I won't go out of my way to be nice to you. If I like you, I'll let you know. I don't understand how people can blatantly hate someone when they aren't there and then be their best friend when they come back around. I think that is almost the lowest thing you could possibly do. Those people don't realize that your actually being a huge bitch to them behind their backs calling them names. I think it is terrible. I'm all about the little white lies so people don't become self conscious, but don't like blatantly about something, it is only going to make things worse in the long run.

I guess it has just occurred recently where I have witnessed people acting this way and it bothers me a lot. I don't talk about people behind their back just to get juicy gossip to tell them about later. I think it is low. If I talk to someone about something I expect it to stay fairly confidential and not get back to the other person. Don't go along with me complaining and agree with what I saw just to turn on me two days later.

Lifes too short to live to cause drama. Drama is unnecessary. Grow up and realize we are no longer in the seventh grade. Thank you.